Saturday, December 28, 2019

Main Characters In Brave New World - 1036 Words

Aldous Huxley wrote the book Brave New World, which was originally published in 1932. Throughout the story, many characters are introduced but some of the main characters are the Director of the Hatcheries and Conditioning (Known as Tomakin and D.H.C.), Lenina Crowne, Bernard Marx, Henry Foster, Mustapha Mond, and John the Savage. At the beginning of the book, D.H.C. is taking student on a tour of the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre, while he explains the conditioning process and introduces a few of the main characters such as, Henry Foster and Lenina Crowne. Early on in the the book, soma is introduced, which is a drug that is taken everyday that the government uses to keep people from speaking freely. While in the†¦show more content†¦Before the egg even becomes fertilized, the life of the human is already set in stone. Once the the humans’ place in the caste system is decided, they are conditioned to be happy with their life and act like what is exp ected of their caste. In this world the conditioning leaves almost no room to be unique, and as soon as you become unique, you are simply an outcast. Being an outcast in the world of Brave New World is simply unacceptable, and the cure to this problem is soma. Soma is a drug that is taken on a daily basis, even is taken multiple times a day, to keep a person calm and happy. It is expected of everyone to take soma, and even in the higher classes of the caste system, people can’t wait to take it. When Lenina and Bernard first arrived to the savage reservation, they went to a native dance at the pueblo, which proved to be too much for the soma-less Lenina. â€Å"A gramme is better than a damn,† said Lenina mechanically from behind her hands. â€Å"I wish I had my soma!† (116) Later on after Lenina and Bernard got back to the rest house, Lenina took six half-gramme tablets of soma and ended up in the soma-holiday state for seven hours. Lenina could not wait to take the soma that she left at the rest house because her experience at the pueblo was distressful for her. Lenina could not understand the lifestyle of the people in the Savage Reservation, which led to her anxiety and feeling as if she could not fit in. For some people though, suchShow MoreRelatedBrave New World: A Struggle Between the Genius and the Mediocre931 Words   |  4 Pagesâ€Æ' After the publishing of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, modern literature has changed forever. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

The Death Penalty And The Ideals Of Our Society - 1604 Words

Pro: Resolved: The Death Penalty is counter to the ideals of our society. Key terms Ideals: pertaining to a possible state of affairs considered as highly desirable. Humane: characterized by tenderness, compassion, and sympathy for people and animals, especially for the suffering or distressed Morals: of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong Ethics: a system of moral principles Society: a highly structured system of human organization for large-scale community living that normally furnishes protection, continuity, security, and a national identity for its members Civilized: having an advanced or humane culture, society, etc. Contention one: The death penalty†¦show more content†¦However, there are many problems that can occur. Executioners are often not medically trained, and might sometimes have difficulty finding a suitable vein to insert the needle. This means that inmates may be stabbed multiple times. This process can be long and painful, as in the case of Clayton D.Lockett, who, after an hour of the executioner trying and failing to find one, had to have an IV needle inserted into his groin area. Sometimes, executioners may be unable to find a vein due to the inmate having been a drug user and thereby having collapsed veins, or being obese, in which case the vein cannot be reached. When that happens, executioners are instructed to use a scalpel to cut into a limb in order to expose a vein. After the vein has been found, tubes are attached to the needle which connect it to an IV drip outside the room through a hole in the wall. The prisoner is usually injected with an anesthetic, which, in theory, is meant to put them to sleep, a paralytic, which relaxes the muscles and stops the breathing, and potassium chloride, a poison that stops the heart. Death takes about a minute and a half. During this time, the inmate is presumably unconscious. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Ensuring Containment of Cyber and Assurance

Question: How Human Behavior can be Applied as one of the aspect in Ensuring Containment of Cyber and Assurance? Answer: Introduction Information security administration has become essentially in the course of the most recent 25 years what's more, is presently a typical and consistent thing inside people in general space. With buzz words, for example, hacking and digital security being incorporated inside features and being a typical point of discussion among regular innovation clients; data security is at the forefront of individuals' psyches (Ahmad, Maynard and Park 2014). The National Initiative for Cyber security Careers and Studies characterizes digital security inside its glossary as process, capacity , then again state whereby data and interchanges frameworks and the data contained in that are shielded from or potentially guarded against harm, unapproved utilize or alteration, or abuse. This article is assembled in view of ebb and flow inquires about related to digital security confirmation and the effect of the human component on information. The target of this work is to distinguish components of digital security that would profit by further research and improvement in light of the writing audit discoveries (Ahmad, Maynard and Park 2014). The comes about plot in this article introduce a requirement for the digital security field to look into set up industry regions to profit by powerful rehearses for example, human dependability evaluation along with enhanced techniques for approval, for example, measurable quality control with a specific end goal to get genuine confirmation. The article proposes the improvement of a system that will be in view of characterize and repeatable evaluation which predominantly relating to the compass of individual aspect activities that give, or are designed not to contrarily manipulate by cyber security acts. Theoretical background and literature review There have been huge volumes of genuine human services related information breaks regardless of the presentation of the Information Governance Toolkit (IGT) with over seven thousand two hundred and fifty five users. NHS information ruptures in the vicinity of year 2014 and 2011 demonstrating a pattern of volume increments whereby there was a 101 percent expansion from the year 2013 to the year 2014 (Blyth and Kovacich 2011). Outside of the Australia as a country the pattern continues with unexpected presentation of private or delicate data being 83% higher for social insurance associations than different ventures however the most minimal performing industry in episode reaction . Dunn likewise detailed that 93% of ruptures were expected to human mistake and 95% of information misfortune in the country is expected to contain social elements of individuals (Blyth and Kovacich 2011). The Government 2015 security breaks overview found that there had been an expansion in the quantity of security breaks from 81% of extensive associations to 90% indicating why security breaks are seen to proceed and be a normal component of business now and later on that can't be totally destroyed. The overview additionally recognized that about 9 out of 10 vast associations reviewed now languish some over of security break proposing that these episodes are presently a close conviction (Blyth and Kovacich 2016). The report likewise expressed that organizations ought to guarantee they are overseeing the hazard in like manner, and in spite of the expansion in staff mindfulness preparing, individuals are as prone to bring about a break as infections and different sorts of pernicious programming. Strikingly the overview found that levels of security mindfulness conveyed had gone up contrasted with the earlier year despite the fact that staff related breaks had additionally risen. The stu dy demonstrated that 72% of expansive associations now convey continuous security mindfulness preparing to their staff contrasted and 68% the earlier year (Clevestig 2009). This highlights that just pushing out standard security mindfulness data to the representatives of an association is not an impassive methods for digital security affirmation in connection to human conduct. Confirmation Definition As indicated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology, affirmation is characterized as being 'Justification for certainty that the other four security objectives; Respectability, accessibility, classification, and responsibility have been satisfactorily improvement by a specific usage (Clevestig 2009). Accordingly, having that as a main priority, it is troublesome for capable individuals dwelling at the highest point of the hierarchical progressive system, for example, Chief Official Officers, Boards, Managing Directors, Owners and Senior Managers to have certainty or ensure that the data that their individual association is in charge of handling is satisfactorily secured. This issue has been aggravated by the change of wording utilized throughout the years including usage of the term confirmation inaccurately where it is really alluding to the supporting controls or countermeasures being connected. CESG distinguished four components of affirmation inside a confirmation display (Dilek, ak?r and Ayd?n 2015). These four components were inborn affirmation, extraneous confirmation, execution as assurance and operational affirmation. In light of the distributed digital security occurrences and breaks in the ranges of operational affirmation and outward confirmation inside the field of digital security this article will concentrate on those regions. CESG characterizes open levelheaded confirmation as the exercises important to keep up the item, framework or administration's security usefulness once it has entered operational utilize (Evans, Maglaras and Janicke 2016). Outward affirmation is additionally characterized as any movement autonomous of the improvement condition which provides a level of trust in the item, framework or administration. Affirmation Strategies There is by all accounts a present position inside normal guidelines whereby security affirmation programs should be adaptable and require the association to figure out what needs to be checked and the technique for observing as expressed inside statements 9.1a and 9.1b by the English Standards Institution . Standard affirmation exercises have been static for quite a while and not advanced at the pace of innovation and digital security (Blyth and Kovacich 2016). It is fundamental to have a lithe security confirmation structure set up to address the issues of contrasting associations and bodies. Be that as it may, the present structures are extremely wide and notwithstanding being in presence for some time does not seem, by all accounts, to be completely tending to digital security particular affirmation necessities as the ruptures and measurements laid out in this article have appeared (Evans, Maglaras and Janicke 2016) . Human behavior This study proposes that human conduct is not steady and can be emphatically affected by connections, there is likewise a general gullible conviction that terrible things as it were happen to other individuals (Holstein and Stouffer 2010). Look into likewise found that individuals were eager to attempt unsafe practices (Holstein and Stouffer 2010). People were really rewarded as they were viewed as accommodating for permitting an occasion to occur without applying security controls or rehearse. Amid the writing audit investigate into different parts of affirmation and human conduct was likewise explored. These included the utilization of dread interests and furthermore client impressions of hazardous conduct relating to PC security. Fear as one of the elements offers are influential interchanges that incorporate a component of dread keeping in mind the end goal to get a result wanted by administration. A positive fear ring would propel a danger control handle which can incite a productive outcome as the message recipient grasps a mental methodology to dismiss a hazard (Liu 2012). Fear offers are by and large used inside human administrations and promoting, for instance, to propel threatening Tosmo ruler. Johnston and Warkentin also laid out a Fear Appeals Model (FAM) intertwining parts, for instance, saw chance reality, and saw risk shortcoming, response sufficiency, self ampleness, social effect which then prompts behavioral purpose (Liu 2012). Johnston and Warkentin also communicates that the audit helps the routine of information security organization by revealing the characteristic dangers of customer self-administration and that end customers are not dependable in their practices which approach to manage ad vanced security care and get ready does not offer adequate confirmation. A view that is moved around the present scene estimations highlighted before in this article (Ahmad, Maynard and Park 2014). Furthermore associated with the human direct some portion of advanced security, was the endeavor of risky lead whereby people would grasp activity despite a known danger related with the movement (Liu 2012). Johnston likewise, Warkentin express that individuals show a fairly guileless conviction that loathsome things simply happen to different people and Aytes Connolly commented that the self picture of present day, security astute customers does not track to a great degree well with their readiness and certified practices. Likewise, there is an especially entrancing thought included by Aytes and Connolly which communicated: Most by a wide margin of the time, customers can share passwords, open email associations without checking them for diseases, and so forth, with any negative outcomes. They are in truth repaid in this lead, since they are either seen as strong in the occasion of sharing passwords or they save time by not checking for diseases (Blyth and Kovacich 2011). In connection to the dread interest system highlighted inside this article, it has been demonstrated that dread interests in detachment don't give powerful or sufficient affirmation, according to its definition and associations ought not to depend upon this kind of system. The message could be misjudged, overlooked or even disregarded in view of recognitions, connections and social impact. Hence, this approach ought to be utilized as a cautioning mechanism just and keeping in mind the end goal to present affirmation obliges criticism to the dread interest sender to affirm consistence. This could be a return affirmation message, filter, appraisal, report, test or review. A decent relationship here would be the utilization of TCP in computer systems administration to affirm/ensure conveyance as set out later in this article (Maglaras 2016). Characterized affirmation is fundamental for powerful data security administration as Aytes and Connolly express: The discoveries recommend that it is impossible that PC clients will essentially change their conduct because of basically being furnished with extra data with respect to figuring dangers and hone. It is likely that associations should authorize consistence when the dangers warrant data extract (Maglaras 2016). Research gaps There are several research gaps that can be deduced from the previous study. These gaps should be utilized in the recent study in order to expand past literature. The previous literature does not cover various cover various teenage behavior which results into the increased cyber crimes (Theoharidou 2015). The behavior of the youthful individuals totally varies from adults who own various firms and may not have extreme behaviors increasing the rate of cyber security issues. It is evident that most of the cyber security offenders are youths. The current research should therefore cover the relationship between teenage behaviors and the cyber security breach. Another research gap in the management of information risk and security is how unemployment results into an increased cyber crime. With reference to various publications most of the cyber crimes are related to unemployment where most of the people committing these cyber crimes are unemployed. This current research should therefore capture the relation between the behaviors of jobless individuals (Theoharidou 2015). Possibility of expanding existing literature Based on the increasing number of data breaches and cyber crimes, there is possibility of conducting an extensive research (Stallings and Brown 2008). There are several cyber security incidents which have occurred even with the available literatures and studies suggesting the need to expand the past studies. The gaps in the previous part above also suggest the need to expand the previous study in order to cover all the aspects related to human elements and cyber security breaches. It is possible to expand the literature to cover all the aspects relate to human behavior and human information risk management (Stallings and Brown 2008). The available literature can be expanded to cover the behavior of unemployed individuals and how teenage behavior results in to cyber crimes as well as how the situation can be controlled. Possible research questions What is the relationship between human behavior and the increasing cyber security breaches? How can a formal assurance relating to human behavior be created in order to set out various ways that can be used to contain cyber crimes? What should companies do in order to cub increasing cyber attacks on various firms within various industries? Can human behavior be modified to ensure reduced cyber security breaches and create assurance? Summary As portrayed out inside this article, affiliations and society continue being affected by both general and practically identical computerized security breaks. These cracks identify with specific executions and what's more normal treatment of private electronic information. Disregarding this extent of activities, it has been shown that half of these have human mix-up at their middle. In this manner, there should be extended test and theoretical research into human practices in connection to computerized security in perspective of the volumes of human mistake related scenes with a particular ultimate objective to set up courses in which standard advanced security practice can benefit and data very much oversaw. This article has shown that there is further research required into digital security affirmation and evaluation in connection to human components to build up a viable confirmation or assurance structure. This approach would profit the field of cyber security as a typical useable arrangement is not right now accessible and associations are depending upon autonomous aptitudes and information of people. It is suggested that a particular system is created in light of characterized and repeatable measurement particularly identifying with the scope of human viewpoint assignments that give, or are expected not to contrarily influence digital security act. Strategies that this structure ought to be based upon incorporate human unwavering quality appraisal, measurable quality control and a digital security human angle helplessness scoring framework. All in all, the digital security group ought to proceed to advance and grow yet it must not overlook its foundations and the undeniable insights that demonstrate we have not yet tended to the dangers related with the one steady component of digital security in relation to all aspects of human behavior. 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