Wednesday, February 26, 2020

The main factors which influence customer buying decisions Essay

The main factors which influence customer buying decisions - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that cares the individuals who buy goods and services for consumption purposes, the difference between a consumer and customer is that a customer is a group of businesses and organizations that purchase goods in order to use them as inputs in their production processes example the purchase of Raw materials. A fall in the price of a product will result in an increase in the quantity of a product purchased, however, these depend on the price elasticity of a product. If a product is price elastic and this means that the price elasticity of the good is more than one, then the products demand will rise at a greater proportion than the rise in price. If the price elasticity of a product is less than one then the demand for the product will not rise in a greater proportion than the price. The price of substitutes also play a major role in determining the consumers purchasing behavior, in a situation where a substitute of a product is less expensiv e, then the consumer will purchase the substitute example margarine and butter are substitutes, if the price of butter goes up then the consumer will purchase margarine. Under the price of a product we will also consider the risk associated with buying a certain product, the more expensive a product is the higher the risk and the higher the consequences of making the wrong decision, buyers will also consider the scrap value of and mostly this is associated with vehicle and machinery product, products with very high prices and low scrap value will be less preferred.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Memory Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Memory Management - Essay Example The partitioning that is done in memory for its allocation can be fixed. There are two possible methods whereby which queues may be used to bring processes into the memory for execution. The first method is by using a single queue and the second method I by using multiple queues as shown in the fig. 1. Figure 1 Fixed memory Partitioning. Using multiple queues Using Single Queue Mechanism The first available memory location that is large enough to hold the process is allocated All processes get lined up into a single queue. The partition closest to the process that can hold it is assigned to that process. Advantages Load is balanced. Arrived processes are transferred evenly into all memory partitions. As soon as a memory partition gets free it is assigned to a waiting process. The allocation process is very quick. The allocation process does not waste memory space. Disadvantages Any memory size that may be more than the size of the process gets lost. Moreover the queues of small parti tions are often lined up with several processes while those with larger partitions are often left untouched. The drawback is that even though large sizes of memory are free small processes are not allocated that memory and they stay lined up in the queues of smaller memory sized partitions waiting for their turn to come. A large partition may be wasted on a small job resulting in loss of large amounts of memory. Unbalanced load. Some queues may be empty while others are fully loaded. 2. What is the swapping technique? Why is it needed for multiprogramming environment? Swapping generally means interchanging the contents of two different spaces using a third temporary empty content space. Swapping is used as a memory management technique for multiprogramming environment. For a program to execute it is mandatory to acquire physical memory or main/primary memory. In a uni-processor environment multiple programs can simultaneously be executed by overlapping an I/O of a program with the e xecution of another program. Due to the limited size of physical memory it is very difficult to accommodate all of the required programs in main memory. To accommodate new programs currently running programs are swapped out on the basis of their activity status. For example when a program asks for data from secondary storage, it has to wait for complete input. Meanwhile due to Direct Memory Access the CPU remains available for other programs. The operating system thus swaps out the waiting program with the one that needs to be executed with the CPU. Upon completion of data transfer the earlier program is invoked and swapped into the memory again. This is how swapping works for multiprogramming environment. 3. Discuss the main function(s) of each of the following operating system parts: a) Memory management Unit The Memory Management Unit is said to serve as a buffering agent between the Central Processing Unit and the memory of the system. The functions that are performed by this un it may roughly be categorized into three categories. These are: 1. Operating System Memory Management, 2. Hardware Memory Management and 3. Application Memory Management. Specifically speaking, it translates address from their virtual address format into their physical address format. b) Linker â€Å"Performs the function of linking the libraries to the object code in order to transform the object code into an executable machine.† (cool interview, 2012).