Friday, May 8, 2020

Writing a Hook For a College Essay

Writing a Hook For a College EssayWriting a hook for a college essay is usually an afterthought. Many students make the mistake of thinking that the hook is only there to get them into the essay and start writing. This is not the case. The hook is a part of the essay and must be included in every college writing assignment.The hook is the initial conversation you have with your reader, which attracts him to begin reading your college essay. To achieve a good hook, you need to do your homework. You can find many tips online or in college writing books. I will share some examples of the kinds of hooks that I use and am sure you will also be able to come up with your own.Most college essays can be written about a subject or topic that you are familiar with. In fact, you can save the entire essay for a later date. When you take the time to describe your passions, talents, goals, or any other personal interest that has to do with your topic, you open the door to conversations that will co mpel your reader to continue reading.Let's look at one basic example. I write about my husband's obsession with antique clocks. Now, I don't know much about antique clocks but I do know that I like them. A friend suggested that I include this part of my essay in the essay itself because she believed that my story would interest readers who were interested in the story of an antique clock.I love to tell stories. One of my favorites is about a room full of old clocks. When I describe the main attraction of each of these clocks in the room, I am instantly drawn into the story. If you ever have a story that just won't quit, you can include a chapter or two on it in your college writing assignment. You will still use the same hook that you are used to: mention something interesting about your topic in the introduction and then give a description of your topic in the body of your essay.College writing assignments can also be about your dreams for the future. When I write a college essay o n my childhood dreams, I am reminded of those dreams again. My experiences and observations can give a vivid description of the dreams that my parents had and their ability to have those dreams turned into realities.You can also use your personal experiences to make the essay seem more real and believable. For example, when I was about fifteen years old, I was in a car accident and spent three weeks in the hospital.During my hospital stay, I learned to walk again and I got to meet my grandparents for the first time. I think the experience of my accident has given me a great perspective on life and people. In short, I use a hook to begin my college writing assignment.

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